Into The Storm : 10800 minutes that changed Mayaa SH

Into The Storm 10800 minutes that changed Mayaa SH

Multi National Award Winner and a Literary Luminary Mayaa SH on a huge loss, fearlessness and her insights into the essence of life..

Mayaa SH is an exceptionally courageous writer, the kind who will send you into thinking about how Advocate Protection Bill needs amendments at one moment, to the oppressive effects of violence on women , then sweep you away from those  concerns with powerful contemporary prose the next.

Despite her devotion to women centric writing, there’s a revelation and much more  “that only her serious writings ,” she says, can reveal. When we look into her mindset with  about what prompted her to return to fearless writings yet again, here’s what Mayaa had to state,

Do you think you are observational in your prose?

As an individual I do feel  like there is this tendency to refute contemporary and that often shows itself in describing someone like me as a writer and a championed of uplifting rights of women only because the definition of a writer holds a specific narrative in the minds of many. There was a time when writers were suppose to write in a highly sophisticated manner and language only. But now the writer is a person who lives on bestseller lists or goes to literary festivals as well . So I’m not at all apologetic about being fearless about highlights the facts and utmost reality as personal opinions create an aura of illusion. I would be embarrassed if I was writing something that is completely against my own belief system in life. .

Despite a vast agglomeration of the subjects you cover, there’s always a thread of self belief  in your writing. Where do you find that?

I find it inside the minds of peiple, I find it inside the unsaid voices of many women, I find it when I’m travelling in a car and look at the face of anybody who has to make a living by begging, self belief isn’t always attached to practicality . Life can never be devoid of emotions. It is not a rational thing subject to conditions. I find it very intriguing when I’m observing only a certain kind of mindfulness which is completely plagued with numerous discussions on what’s happening in either the court rooms in family court in India or which manifesto appears to be a compelling win in the country . But instead of understanding where the actual actionable rest well. Self belief actually seeps in to allow people to understand the difference between expectations and reality in life. This is determined by people who are doing something about it or not giving up, even what you know to be a losing battle, there’s this kind of utmost passion to Aspire To Inspire always..

How do you define Fearlessness ?

Fearlessness arises when you know that there is no defensive state of mind except being courageous. This is so as when life throws challenges upon us, we have two choices : either we accept and keep cursing our fate and brood over it and another that we lift ourselves up again and start all over with dignity and grace in life. I would chose the latter as it culminates hope and the fact that the word impossible says “I am Possible”. Losses are inevitable in life. It evolves any human being. There are good learning that build rationality and makes anybody more poise and calm. It is this moment of calmness that wards away any cloud of turbulence from within first. We all gain a lot in life, we all lose a bit as well. It is like a game of chess. Through chess, we learn how to analyze a situation by focusing on important factors and by eliminating distractions. We learn to devise creative solutions and put a plan into action. I would admit 10800 minutes precisely seven days, were a game changer, the loss of a near one (not stating monetary here) was exceptionally immense and made me deliberate upon a lot more. I don’t believe in materialistic gains nor opportunities meant to attract losses as loss is a mere state of mind , however, this put forth the car on the journey to my life’s highway right from neutral to fifth gear (chuckles)

What is the essence of life as per you?

The essence of life lies in the courage and immense belief to curate miracles. Life is an altruityc way to reflect how gifted we are to take birth on Earth and that it is this life that teaches us so much. These teachings in form of our experiences help us evolve better and focus on culturing an exponential growth mindset. It is our passion that leads us to reinvent and redefine our purpose in life. Sensitivities help you avoid impulsive action and ensure that the timing will be right for your actions. When people display courage, their frontal and temporal brain areas are most involved. These are the areas responsible for decision making and perception and memory. In moments of courage, we are gathering information, evaluating, determining the best responses and then storing the experience in memory for the next moment when courage is necessary. When you do the right thing, it is likely to have a positive impact not only on you, but on others around you and can lead to building relationships and contributing to the wider community. The essence of life reflects on giving away the gifts of Gratitude and kindness to all. Life highlights the significance of Forgiveness and the mere fact of the significance of our good deeds to others. Just as the Holly tree symbolises eternal Life and Strength even in the harshest of weather, similarly immense strength and faith endures the ability of a person to stay vibrant in all situations in life. True humility is an essential fundamental with simplicity at its heart,thereby, guiding mankind to adopt a path of unconditional love and giving.

About the Author:

Championer of Women’s Rights, Authoress, Public Intellectual, and a former corporate juggernaut, Mayaa SH is  a recognised crusader on Indian’s contemporary verve of economics, freedom of the press, gender neutrality and human rights, Mayaa has authored 9 bestselling works essayed as self help books and co-authored more than 150 books. Her power of self belief  have helped many across the country to rediscover and reignite with themselves. This has institutionalised her infinite belief in “The Power Of A Determined Mind” and helped provide respite to many with her talks. Mayaa SH, a literary luminary is a fierce advocate for women’s empowerment and positive feminism. Recognized by the  United Nations, she challenges societal norms and addresses gender inequality.  Mayaa SH envisions a society where women have equal rights, contributing to the nation’s development. Her impactful contributions resonate globally, inspiring change.

She is an avid motivator where she has instilled the power of self belief and courage in many, specially those who had forgotten “How beautiful Life Is”. Her contemporary prose has inspired many to believe in the beauty of their dreams.